Monday, July 2, 2012

The Jewish Final Solution for Germans, other Gentiles

1 comment:

  1. The jews never speak the truth-they project-what they are really saying is that the jews themselves must be exterminated. The jews always project their own evil onto their victims. All jews are completely insane, evil and insanity are synonymous.
    Jews are a danger to all life, they are all criminally insane murderer's and liars-like their father-satan, just as Jesus said.
    Jews are deadly-the enemies of life itself, God and all that God created.
    What they project onto Hitler, is their own evil-what they did to 66 million Christians when they took over Russia,
    They lie-they pin their own crimes on whomever they wish to destroy-completely innocent people who are the opposite of the jews-people of God who can love and have souls.
